Ilya Prigogine In Kleur


ILYA PRIGOGINE IN KLEUR — limited edition &  public, participatory group exhibition.

We grow in direct proportion to the amount of chaos
we can sustain and dissipate.
— Ilya Prigogine —

2014 – LE/178 copies, 20€
89 colouring pages Riso A4 printed on
Lessebo Design 1,3 White 200g.

a project by Thierry Mortier,
semiotic architect
記号論 の 建築家

Published by Thierry Mortier & Topo Copy.
Follow the project on Facebook.

Participating artists:

Alda Snopek, Annelien Vermeir, Anouk De Clercq, Barry Camps, Ben Benaouisse ft. Aiko Benaouisse, Benny De Grove, Britt Helbig, Caroline Vincart, Christophe Denys, Colin Waeghe, Conrad Willems, Daniel Dewaele, Dorien Van Bavel, Eric van der Kooij, franziz Denyz, Hallveig Ágústsdóttir, Hans Everaert, Hilde Overbergh, Ief Spincemalle, John Van Oers, Jonas Vansteenkiste, Kristof Van Heeschvelde, Kurt Stockman, Liesbeth De Stercke, Lieven Segers, Lisette de Greeuw, Maaike Leyn, Margarita Maximova, Marnix Everaert, Matthias Yzebaert, Mattijs Van Damme, Meggy Rustamova, Michael Bouchez, Mira Albrecht, Nicoline Van Stapele, Nikolaas Demoen, Olivier Deprez, Olivier Goethals, Peter Morrens, Peter van Ammel, Peter Weidenbaum, Pieter De Clercq, Remco Roes, Roeland Nieuwborg, Roeland Tweelinckx, Sam Eggermont, Sara Bomans, Sara Gerard, Sarah Desmet, Steven Baelen, Tamara Van San, Tessa Groenewoud, Thanh Long Lam, thierry mortier, Thijs Van der Linden, Tom Woestenborghs, Yves Velter!
