Music For Library II — Témé Tan


Topo Copy and Cosy Cozy join forces for a series of musical library experiences. Snooping around in The Shelf Library with (live) music.

For each session we invite a musician to play adapted Library Music – live, from an adjoining room – for approx. one hour. These sessions are recorded and will be released afterwards under the title “Music for Library”. Before and after the performance Cosy Cozy puts on some records.

Music For Library II — 02/04/2015 — Témé Tan

in collaboration with KapOw.
Thanks 2: SMartBe Vlaanderen & Stad Gent
> previous edition: Inne Eysermans (Amatorski / per son)

The Shelf Library
is a growing collection and ongoing expo of (fan-)zines, printed art… Topo Copy has a unique collection of self-published (fan-)zines, limited edition printed art (-books) and independent publications, with contributions from around the globe. The Shelf Library functions as an expo, one you can touch! Cosy Cozy is a (dj) duo seeking ways to bring music to people in a cosy atmosphere. Kapow is an artistic collective, a family of visionaries, artists, board lovers, travelers and more. El Mundo Kapow, a world of collaboration.

photos © Louis-Philippe Beauduin




Flyer design by Jens Wijnendaele


photos © Kurt Stockman

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